Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Meredith Visits for Christmas

Meredith and me at Rehn Bier
Meredith drove off at 5:30 am for the 15 hour drive back to Alice Springs after visiting us for a week or so during Christmas.

Max, the camouflage dog came with her and had a couple of nice walks in Tanunda between being spoiled with special foods and plenty of attention from Pop and Nana.

As usual, he had to be drugged to cope with the trip but after worrying all day - as parents do - both arrived home safely at 10 pm and we were relieved.

During her stay Meredith shopped until WE dropped. She's 30 years younger than us and therefore much more energetic and resilient. Not only that, living at Alice Springs, she's deprived of the variety of shopping we have in nearby Adelaide and Ti Tree.

I have a psychological distaste for shopping; I like to know what I want, go get it and come home. None of this swanning around. However, being the great parent I am, I stuck it out although towards the end, I waited in the car listening to music while Christina and Meredith shopped on.

Meredith also likes fine wines - especially sparkling wines and what better place than the wine capital of Australia to do some wine tasting?

We drove to Rockford Winery, 1847 Chateau Yaldara Wines, and Saltrams and gave the other 69 a miss on this occasion. At Yaldara we visited the Vintage Chef Company cafe for lunch which gave Meredith a 20% discount on her purchase.

As "Bob", I resisted the temptation to imbibe so we could get home safely but that was fine, I rarely drink before 5 pm anyway.

Meredith tasting a sparkling white
The old vineyards and wineries are worth visiting if for no other reason than to view the beautiful buildings, wooden furniture and surrounds.

Gardens are well developed and gorgeous in the case of 1847 Chateau Yaldara having had 173 years to be established.

The buildings are largely constructed from bricks or rocks plucked from nearby fields. They'll all be standing well after we're gone.

We also visited Rehn Bier on her last night and each bought a carton of mixed beers. Rehn Bier is conveniently located 200 m from our house and I've become friends with the owners and staff as I visit every so often - but not that often.

Unfortunately, this year, son Dale wasn't able to visit as he had work commitments and grandson Tory decided at the last minute to stay at home.

We had a pleasant Christmas Day lunch with smaller amounts of food than usual, but still sufficient. With only the three of us and Meredith being a vegetarian, there was little point cooking up a whole restaurant full of food.

Next year we plan go all go somewhere together for a family Christmas.

Stay well.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Visitors Bring Wine ...

Some visitors bring wine ... others come to simply graze and provide photographic opportunities. Like this old kangaroo that grazes on our grass several times per week.

When I looked out the window Sunday morning, there he was busily eating our grass. Remarkably, he seems to leave the weeds as though he doesn't want to do me out of the job of spraying and pulling them, all too often.

Unfortunately, he's not a big eater, so I still have to drag the electric mower out of the shed and cut the grass every so often.

Our friend the kangaroo is accustomed to we humans and when I took my pot of coffee, camera and book reader outside onto the pergola, he didn't give a jot that I was now much closer. He simply gave me a glance, tweaked his ears and returned to the laborious job of feeding.

After about 20 minutes he simply hopped off into the adjoining hills.

Throughout most years we have a variety of colourful native birds, lizards and the odd snake visit our yard. While the snakes aren't all welcome - most are deadly, it's nice to see that our wildlife is still all round us and surviving despite our impact on much of our environment.


Friday, July 04, 2008

G'day from Cape Town, South Africa

G'day from Cape Town, South Africa

Working at the Al Ain Women's College for the past three years has had one particular peculiarity that I thought of recently. That is, when the summer holidays begin, most of your friends (HCT and elsewhere) head off to exotic international destinations in a variety of different airlines from Dubai or Abu Dhabi. Expats really are a spoilt bunch.

I've never worked anywhere else where, as soon as the summer break begins, everyone heads off to an international destination. Like rats off a sinking ship. Or in this case, people wanting an escape from the 50 degree heat, the strictures of the local culture, and of course, take the opportunity to see loved ones and old friends.

Christina and I have done more travel in the past three years than we have done in our lifetimes. Canada, Hong Kong, Oman, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Scotland, England, Cyprus, Jordan, Syria, Holland, and now South Africa. This time will be different though.

Instead of returning to our UAE home and our friends and colleagues, we will finish our journey at our Australian home ... a spacious four bedroom house in one of The Alice's best streets with a view of The Gap and the pristine MacDonnell Ranges, sparkling blue skies, and a very laid-back lifestyle.

I wonder how very ordinary it will seem after being a globetrotter for these past three years. Alice Springs with 25,000 people and 1500 km from the nearest city compared with Al Ain with 400,000 people and Dubai and Abu Dhabi a stone's throw away or Muscat a little farther. Will we find it a disappointment?

I'll tell you later, but right now I have to help Christina plan our tours of the Stellenbosch vineyards and go for a steak dinner at the Protea Hotel's restaurant. It's a tough life, but someone has to do it and who better than an ex-expat?

