Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Some of Our Vistors Have Tails!

Not all of our visitors have shoes - some have long tails.

Today this young parenti (also perenti) lizard visited us, strolling casually across our front porch while we sat and watched ... and photographed.

The species is Australia's largest, correctly known as the "varanus giganteus" which grows to around two metres long.

Like all reptiles in Australia, they are protected by law, but Aborigines, for whom they were a food source before Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hungry Jacks etc, are still allowed to kill them for food (and nothing else).

This fellow is immature, about half grown and would have been hibernating during the recent winter, thus the clear coat and good condition.

If it keeps off the roadways, it should have a lot more growing to do. We are hoping it takes up residence in our garden and keeps it free from the variety of insect life that also lives here.


PS: We get small kangaroos visiting our front yard early morning and late evening too, but unfortunately they eat green stuff like ground cover and small shrubs, which doesn't impress us at all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Gods' Nectar and Keeping Fit

I've always believed in the benefits of a balanced life or, as the Buddha put it, following the "middle path". Thus, I look after my need for sustenance and my need for fitness. 

Some would argue that there is evidence that the balance between sustenance and fitness in my life is weighted (pun intended) in favour of the former. I'll let
 you, dear reader, be the judge of that.

What I want to tell you about first today is the Nectar of the Gods'. 

When I attended the recent Alice Springs Wine Festival I tasted (as would be expected) a few diffe
rent vintages and stumbled upon this bee's nectar with the most unlikely title, "Island Sting".

It's produced on Kangaroo Island, a piddling little island off the coast of South Australia. For those of you not aware of Australian geography etc, South Australia is home of many of our most prestigious vineyards. 

As the name suggests, you'll find the State towards the bottom centre of the Australian land mass.

When I tasted Island Sting at the Festival, I knew that we had to become better acquainted, so I ordered a few bottles. It arrived yesterday. Last night I gave it a follow-up taste test just to make sure I hadn't erred and I can tell you it was absolute heaven. Not only that, it seemed to work like a cough elixir for me soothing my throat and additionally, sending an instant glow straight to the brain.

I've pledged to try it soon as an ice cream topping, but at 20% strength, it's not the sort of thing you'd spurt on like maple syrup or chocolate.

If you'd like to read up about the vineyards operated by the Chain of Ponds, of which I was previously unaware, click the title and follow the link therein. If you can find a bottle (700ml) where you live, get one.

Now the balancing act.

Yes, what you're looking at is an exercise device. It's called a MyGym and I do a session with it most days.

It was advertised at Kmart for $160 but when I took it to the checkout it was $50. I asked the checkout chick whether it was a mistake and she needed to check, but she insisted that if it was in the computer at $50, then that's all I had to pay. I quickly desisted, paid the $50 and took it home.

Although at first skeptical about anything using "rubber bands", I've now learned that 20 minutes activity on this piece of plastic can create a good deal of perspiration and a good workout. And I'm only on the lowest tensioned rubber bands. It has over 60 exercises you can do.

As I'm at home beavering away on my computer most days, it provides a good diversion from the sedentary life. There are no gym fees, no opening and closing times and I don't risk neck strain or increased blood pressure from looking at other gym goers bend and stretch (If you know what I mean).

All I have to do is balance the amount of exercise I do daily with the kilojoules I consume and hopefully I'll lose some weight. How many kjs do you think there are in a nip of Island Sting? Maybe I don't want to know.

Stay well.

"Vision is the art of seeing the invisible"

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Eagle has Landed!

It wasn't quite as exciting as 1969 when Neil Armstrong uttered those immortal words, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed".

But it is important to us that, "Our container has landed!" It arrived yesterday after that long voyage from Al Ain to our front door as the following photos show. Here's the Allied Pickford trucks parked outside our place being unloaded.

We were pleased that all 125 boxes arrived in good order and condition and nothing we've unpacked so far has been damaged.

The photos below are self-explanatory. We now have quite a bit of work to do to unpack, separate the stuff we are giving to Meredith and Dale and decide what we are going to sell or throw out.

It's a good opportunity for us to replace some of the cookware and other stuff we've had for years, with newer, shinier, better quality gear we bought while overseas.
I've got to change the three pin electrical plugs from English and UAE types to the Australian standard electrical plugs.

Then there are the computer desks to be reassembled screw by screw, wall hangings to install ... and much more.

Meredith will want some curtain rails installed and on it goes. You can understand why I say I'm too busy to work. I've already been contacted about doing some scribing work ie, recording job interviews and then typing up the reports for presentation to delegates for approval. It's lucrative work and will give me something to do without getting too busy. Last thing I want is a full week's work.

During October here we hold the Honda Master's Games (bienial) and Christina and I have volunteered to assist with some of the activities.

Also, we have October Business Month during which the Northern Territory Government provides a number of subsidised seminars. Those that involved entrepreneurs telling us how they went from selling two widgets per month to a business with an annual turnover of 7.3 million appeal to me, so I usually take time out to attend a few.

It's also a good place to meet potential joint venture partners or those who might need my services.

So much for this issue. Goodbye, I have to totter off and open some more boxes.

Stay well.
