Friday, May 16, 2008

Remembering Bobby

It occurred to me only an hour or two ago that today, 16 May 08, was the 13th anniversary of my mother Bobby's departure from her worldly shackles.

Death being a normal activity we humans experience, there's no point treating it as though it was a tragedy. Sure, it's sad seeing one of your dearest friends end their life knowing you will never see them again. But by 16 May 1995, Bobby's quality of life was untenable and it was time for her to end what had been a good life.

She ended her journey at our home and managed to just drift off during the evening. We all hope that when our time comes, we will be so fortunate.

Tonight I'll charge a glass with some good Australian red and say, "Goodonyamate" as I remember all the wonderful years we had together.


PS: Unfortunately, I don't have a photo to share, they are all in a cupboard in Alice Springs.

1 comment:

sassygrrl said...

Ah Robin, there is always something we won't miss living in a foreign country. In Hong Kong, I wouldn't miss the banging of mahjong tiles of neighbors playing upstairs on a Saturday night. In Australia, it would be neighbours mowing their lawns at 7am on Saturdays!