We hope you had a wonderful christmas break.
I had to work, but Christina and I managed to get out for dinner with some friends and enjoyed a wonderful evening of good food, good wine and good company.
Dale, Meredith and Tory back in Central Australia visited their friends' place for the day. They have three boys around Tory's age, so apparenty they had a good time.
The photo of Meredith and Tory was taken in our house on 25 Dec 07 and is one of the best we have.
New Years Eve we are off to the Al Ain Golf Club for a bash with around 18 other people in our group. We'll no doubt run into others we know too as the circle of places to go here is small, despite the city being sprawling and having around 400,000 people.
We hope you have a Happy New Year event and a 2008 with all that you wish for.
Best wishes
Robin and Christina
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