Sunday, June 11, 2006

Going on Leave - No More the Sheikh!

A poor substitute for an Arab ... the photo was taken on National Day when students insisted I dress as "Sheikh Robin"

Six months later I can almost feel the thrust of the jet engines as my Cathay Pacific jet screams along the Dubai airport runway ... in just a little over two days. The most prevalent thought is of getting on the plane and taking off. It's not that I don't like it here ... far from it, it's a paradise for those of us at the better end of the salary and perks scale. However, living apart from Chris and not having seen Meredith, Dale and Tory for a while (almost 12 months in Dale's case), I'm keen to get home. After all, there's no place like home; even if it is in the Central Australian desert.
The thought of being able to buy bacon ... pork bacon instead of that measly beef bacon substitute they have here; the brown bread that tastes like bread and doesn't go stale for a week; pies, pasties, Vegemite. To be able to wear shorts (well maybe not at Alice Springs, but in Canada where it's summery), to drink somewhere else than in three hotels. To visit my friend Rob's newsagency and find ... yes, you guessed it, magazines, some of which have naked women and a wide variety of topics. Wow!, it's almost too much to contemplate.

Tory has been asking "When's Pop coming home?" almost ad infinitum. Christina has a calendar and every day they cross off a day and he counts how many days to go. Not many now. Enshallah (God willing), he'll see me Thursday.

Some of you we will have the pleasure of seeing during my three weeks in Australia. Unfortunately, we won't get to see everyone. But, you are always in our thoughts and we value very much your friendship.

Best wishes


Thursday, May 25, 2006

What Happened in May?

Hello Dear Friend

May has been a busy month for both Christina and me. Chris has been working full time at the Alice Springs Hospital doing the same job she did before we left in July 05. (It seems so long ago now). Today she delivered a baby and commented that she was still able to "catch one" without dropping it, even after all the time she has been off work. (The mind boggles!!)

She's also arranging our trip to Canada. We'll be taking a train tour from Vancouver to Toronto which takes about five days. All reports from our Canadian friends here suggest it is very worthwhile with much to see. I'm looking forward to some photographic opportunities and also meeting some people on the train ... locals and otherwise.

There's just under three weeks before I fly out of Dubai for Melbourne via Hong Kong. As you'd expect, I can't wait to get home and give my wife and kids a hug and spend some time at The Alice before moving on to Brisbane through Mount Isa and then to Canada and back here for another year of work.

Last night I attended the Emirates Natural History Group Photo Competition announcement. There were some really good photos and my three never earned a mention. However, they are nice photos and will find a place on our wall when we return home. A photo of grandson Tory with an Arab weaver appears above, it was entered in the "People of the UAE and Oman" category. Now that I know what the judges like I can prepare some better shots for next year.

It's getting very hot here now with temperatures in the late forties most days. Thank God the airconditioners in our duplex work as it's best to stay inside during the middle of the day. All the concrete about the place doesn't help to keep it cool either.

Well, that's about the extent of our news. Chris busy at work and helping Meredith with Tory, me still at work (next week is our last teaching week) and doing assessments with students.

Stay well.

for Robin and Christina Henry

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Robin's Birthday - Christina's Departure

Hello Dear Friend

Yesterday was my birthday. When we went out for dinner with friends to the Luce
Restaurant at the Al Ain Intercontinental Hotel the evening before, one or two of the more wicked ladies at our table asked the singer to sing Happy Birthday for me. Here is the singer singing her song for me. It made me feel special for a while and we finished up having a pleasant night all round.

Wednesday was a holiday here for the Prophet's birthday. He was born on 10 April, but having a holiday on 11th was convenient because I had to take our visitor Jeff Wilmer to the Dubai airport for a mid-afternoon departure and then drop Christina off in the early evening for a next day departure (0020h).

Jeff stayed around one week with us and managed to get out and about all over the place with the help of a couple of friends and ourselves, of course. He's a scientific type and said he had a great time here visiting the museum, the zoo, Oman wadis (canyon/water ways) and taking hundreds of photos of the many interesting things there are here.

Chris arrives at Melbourne around 0600h, Friday, 14 April. Meredith and Tory, who drove down from The Alice for a wedding, will meet her and after a short break will head for home. Christina returns to work at the Alice Springs Hospital on 24 April 06. I fly into Melbourne and Alice Springs on 15th or 16th June. After a three week break at home with the family, we'll be taking off to the Gold Coast and then to Canada, Hong Kong and back to Al Ain for another year of work.

Best wishes to you and yours. May Easter be a great occasion for you. As salam alaykom (Peace Be With You!)
