In what seems like a flash, here we are in 2022.
Much has happened in the past 22 years and sometimes it seems like only yesterday, which is probably an indicator that one's memory is still functioning reasonably well.
In December 1999 Christina and I lived in a rented house at Seacliff near Adelaide. We were taking a 12- month break from the Territory. My employer, ATSIC (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) had granted me 12 months leave without pay and Christina had done the same with her job at the Alice Springs Hospital.
Between then and now, we:
- Returned to the Territory, this time to Tennant Creek, where I had been asked to help out the office with its grants management program pending advertising of a reengineered job at Alice Springs ATSIC Office
- Moved back to Alice Springs where I took on a new role that involved not only training and development, but human resources consulting for three offices in the southern part of the Territory. Christina returned to the Alice Springs Hospital after working at the Tennant Creek Hospital and went back into the Midwifery Department
- Our grandson Tory Jet Muller arrived in November 2001 and I had to remember how to change nappies and bathe a baby again after several decades; Chris was okay, having continued doing it at work
- In 2004 Christina and our friend June Noble went on holiday to Dubai to meet our other friend, Alison Pyper who was completing a long stint working at a hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The idea was that they'd have a holiday and then return to Australia, which they did
- In early 2005 following Alison and Christina's recommendation, I applied for a job teaching at the United Arab Emirates Higher Colleges of Technology, not expecting to even get a reply
- In June 2005 we moved to Al Ain, United Arab Emirates where we spent a wonderful three years
- Returning in 2008, Christina went back to work at the Alice Springs Hospital and I decided to retire, but I wasn't psychologically prepared for it - I wasted a year
- I applied for a job as Head Lecturer in charge of the Prisoner Education and Training Department at the Alice Springs Correctional Centre and won it. Much to my surprise
- After three years at the ASCC I was 65 and decided I'd had enough. I had turned the department into a highly efficient, functional unit and thought it was time to go as the challenge had gone
- We travelled around Australia for two years in our caravan after we sold our house in 2016 and then moved to Tanunda, SA in January 2018.
We have now been here four years and love it. The people are friendly and many have accepted us as friends, even though we are essentially "outsiders".
Living the dream!