Thursday, September 05, 2013

Now that we are Grey Nomads ...

After a half century of working for the man (or woman as the case may be) and having purchased our Blue Sky Caravan and a Toyota Landcruiser Prado with which to pull it, we can now officially call ourselves "Grey Nomads".

Neither of us is completely grey yet, but I can no longer get away with telling daughter Meredith that I have my hairdresser put a bit of grey around my temples to make me look distinguished ... she sees through that fib immediately.

Unlike many men much younger than me, I still have most of my hair, although thinning on the front. Christina still has a lovely crop of hair, as is the case with most aging women, but I no longer tell her that if she dies first, I want a hair transplant. After all, it's getting grey too.

So, as we are officially part of the  Baby Boomer, Grey Nomad clan of Australians, you can imagine how delighted I was when a friend who considers to me to be an ex-officio father, gave me a bottle of Grey Nomad shiraz for Fathers' Day last Sunday.

I've not yet opened the wine to test the delights and will do that during our next caravan escape in mid-October when we travel to the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia. I already know the wine will be excellent. How? It's from one of Australia's premier wine growing regions, McLaren Vale in South Australia. With a heritage like that, it has to be a good quality wine.

The label on the obverse side of the bottle at left has a bit of a blurb about Grey Nomads (you may need to click to enlarge the photo). I don't know whether it is all true, but it sounds as though it could be ... spending our children's inheritance has been a priority for us for a while.

In October we head south to our neighbouring state and plan to spend some time at the beachside towns such as Coffin Bay. I'll take some photos with my beloved Canon EOS 450D and if you are really lucky will post some travel information covering the towns along the way.

Keep watching this space for more and in the mean time, stay well.
