All good things come to an end. And there's only so many ancient churches, Roman bridges, museums, cobble-stoned town squares etc that one can look at without everything becoming a blur.
I'm back to the grind and Chris is back to housekeeping and social activities. She will also be continuing her voluntary work assisting Emirati students with their English, working four hours per week.
We had a wonderful holiday visiting Germany, Bavaria, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland, England and Scotland. The countryside in Germany in particular was spectacular ... green, green, green! The history of these countries, in comparison with our Australian history, is staggering; buildings, swords, armour suits and personal implements 900 years old or older. I kept wondering about the lives of the owners of the many artifacts I had seen. At one time in Scotland I stood in a cell block within a castle and wondered what poor souls had spent years of their lives shackled looking at the same walls at which I was now looking. Spectacular!
Without going into great detail, the photos from top to bottom herein are:
- Christina in the London Eye
- The London Eye (30 minutes to do a complete circuit)
- A young lady and her father taking a traditional route for nuptials at beautiful English town, Reeth
- Salzburg countryside from Salzburg Castle
- A structure in a roundabout at Maastrich, Holland which symbolises the European Union
NB: Click on the photos to see larger versions.
Best wishes
for Robin and Christina